Purple Cow is all about being remarkable. You won’t be noticed if you’re not.
Many brands want to be noticed, and talked about on social media,. but aren’t willing to pay it’s currency - topicality, uniqueness and relevance.
They are okay with being ordinary, average, mundane - not spirited, remarkable or out there with the best. Small wonder that in many cases the only people who ‘like’ their content are the people who created it in the first place!
Purple Cow has big lessons for marketers, businesses and social media protagonists. If the things you do aren’t remarkable, it’s unlikely that the results of your campaigns will be either.
your assumption is correct. So many companies didn't know about the use of social media engagements and social media monitoring for building and maintaining their brand. I just came across 'shout' about building up brand through social media using a tool. Check for shouts Brand Intelligence. This find's interesting...
Hello Pat, I like your blog. Really the purple cow is a good example for the marketers to bust their business in social media.
Technology PR Firm
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